Self Care
Self Care
Menopause is THE time in your life to take stock and put yourself first.
As women, we are hard-wired to give and to serve often to the detriment of our own wellbeing. For some, self-care comes naturally; for others it can be a bit of an odd concept or a lesson learned the hard way.
Our interventions are based in biology. It is not sustainable to have infinite drive and motivation, interrupted only by putting out the odd fire. We need to rest and replenish to continue sustainably, to be loving and creative. Our self-care questionnaire may help find areas to focus on.
Take a moment to look at the circles below.
Now try and imagine HOW BIG are your circles in your case right now- which is the biggest/ smallest?
To sustain drive and put out fires sustainably we need to strengthen the soothe system also.
Better self care will likely improve the balance.
Adapted from Gilbert, P. (2009). The Compassionate Mind: A New Approach To Life’s Challenges. London: Constable and Robinson.